WP "폴란드 낙태 금지, 정권 교체에 결정적 영향" 뉴시스20:13[서울=뉴시스]최윤영 인턴 기자 = 폴란드 정권 교체에 강경한 낙태 규제법에 대한 반발이 결정적으로 작용했다는 외신의 분석이 나왔다. 직전 집권당인 법과정의당(PiS)...
BRITAIN SOLSTICE 연합뉴스20:12epa11040748 A reveller takes part in the winter solstice celebrations at the ancient Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, Britain, 22 December 2023. The winter
BRITAIN SOLSTICE 연합뉴스20:12epa11040744 Revellers take part in the winter solstice celebrations at the ancient Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, Britain, 22 December 2023. The winter so
BRITAIN SOLSTICE 연합뉴스20:12epa11040746 A reveller wears a colourful costume during the winter solstice celebrations at the ancient Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, Britain, 22 Decembe
BRITAIN SOLSTICE 연합뉴스20:12epa11040743 Revellers take part in the winter solstice celebrations at the ancient Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, Britain, 22 December 2023. The winter so
BRITAIN SOLSTICE 연합뉴스20:12epa11040742 Revellers take part in the winter solstice celebrations at the ancient Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, Britain, 22 December 2023. The winter so
BRITAIN SOLSTICE 연합뉴스20:09epa11040739 Revellers take part in the winter solstice celebrations at the ancient Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, Britain, 22 December 2023. The winter so
BRITAIN SOLSTICE 연합뉴스20:09epa11040740 Revellers take part in the winter solstice celebrations at the ancient Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, Britain, 22 December 2023. The winter so
BRITAIN SOLSTICE 연합뉴스20:09epa11040737 Revellers take part in the winter solstice celebrations at the ancient Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, Britain, 22 December 2023. The winter so
BRITAIN SOLSTICE 연합뉴스20:09epa11040738 Revellers take part in the winter solstice celebrations at the ancient Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, Britain, 22 December 2023. The winter so
日 내년 방위비 73조원 편성…역대 최대 아시아경제20:09일본 정부가 내년도 방위비를 역대 최대 규모인 7조9496억엔(약 72조8000억원)으로 편성했다. 22일 교도통신에 따르면 일본 정부는 이날 각의(국무회의)에서 방위비 등 ...
CZECH REPUBLIC UNIVERSITY SHOOTING 연합뉴스20:09epa11040730 Dean Eva Leheckova (C) and Rector of Charles University Milena Kralickova (2-R) pay their respects following a mass shooting at one building of t
BRITAIN SOLSTICE 연합뉴스20:08epa11040733 A reveller hugs a stone as she takes part in the winter solstice celebrations at the ancient Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, Britain, 22 Decemb
우크라 "해외 체류 25~60세男 징집"... 불응시 처벌 가능성도 데일리안20:08러시아와 전쟁 중인 우크라이나가 현재 해외에 체류 중인 자국 남성들을 대상으로 내년부터 징집할 계획이다. 21일 BBC등 외신 보도에 따르면 루스템 우메로우 우크라이...
Israel Palestinians 연합뉴스20:08Israeli police uses tear gas to clear from the area Palestinian Muslim worshippers trying to enter the Old City for Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, in