“민족정신 해치는 의상이 뭐냐” 중국 법률 개정안에 비판 쇄도 KBS21:30중국 정부가 ‘중화민족의 정신’을 훼손하는 의상을 입을 경우 처벌하겠다는 내용의 법률 개정안을 내놓자 대중이 반발하고 있다고 로이터 통신이 오늘(7일) 보도했습...
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“북-러 군사협력 위성, 탄도미사일 등 첨단 기술로 확대 가능성” KBS21:30러시아가 중국을 뛰어넘어 북한의 가장 큰 조력자로 부상해 양국 간 군사협력을 확대할 가능성이 있다는 전망이 나왔습니다. 빅터 차 미 전략국제문제연구소(CSIS) 아시...
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늦게 왔다고 승객 바다 떠민 승무원…그리스 뒤집은 익사 사건 중앙일보21:29그리스에서 출항하는 여객선에 뒤늦게 타려던 30대 남성이 승무원에게 떠밀려 익사하는 사건이 발생했다. 7일(현지시간) 그리스 국영 ERT 방송에 따르면 그리스 검찰은 ...
GREECE WEATHER 연합뉴스21:29epa10846111 A man is walking carrying bottles of water at a rod full of mud after the storm named Daniel in the area of Volos, Magnesia, Greece, 07 September
GREECE WEATHER 연합뉴스21:29epa10846104 Flooded factory after the storm named Daniel in the area of Volos, Magnesia, Greece, 07 September 2023. At least three people died as unprecedent
GREECE WEATHER 연합뉴스21:29epa10846109 Cars were carried away by strong water crashing eachother on a road full of mud after the storm named Daniel in the area of Volos, Magnesia, Gree
GREECE WEATHER 연합뉴스21:29epa10846101 Flooded factory after the storm named Daniel in the area of Volos, Magnesia, Greece, 07 September 2023. At least three people died as unprecedent
India G20 연합뉴스21:29A slum cluster is partly seen covered with green curtains ahead of this week's summit of the Group of 20 nations, in New Delhi, India, Thursday, Sept. 7, 202...
BRITAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스21:29epa10846113 Postcards use images of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in Windsor, Britain, 07 September 2023. The 08 of September 2023 marks one year since the de
Greece Extreme Weather 연합뉴스21:28In this photo provided by the Ministry of Climate Crisis & Civil Protection, rescuers by helicopter save a woman from floodwaters in the village of Agia Tria
GREECE WEATHER 연합뉴스21:28epa10846100 Cars floating through braunches and mud at a flooded road after the storm named Daniel in the area of Volos, Magnesia, Greece, 07 September 2023.
GREECE WEATHER 연합뉴스21:28epa10846105 Damaged cars after the storm named Daniel in the area of Volos, Magnesia, Greece, 07 September 2023. At least three people died as unprecedented