MOLDOVA NATO DEFENCE 연합뉴스22:36epa10631279 Commander of the National Army of the Republic of Moldova, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc (R), shakes hands with the President of the NATO Mi
MOLDOVA NATO DEFENCE 연합뉴스22:36epa10631278 Commander of the National Army of the Republic of Moldova, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc (L), arrives to a briefing with the President of th
MOLDOVA NATO DEFENCE 연합뉴스22:36epa10631277 Commander of the National Army of the Republic of Moldova, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc, delivers his speech at a briefing with the Preside
MOLDOVA NATO DEFENCE 연합뉴스22:36epa10631280 Commander of the National Army of the Republic of Moldova, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc (R), attends a briefing with the President of the N
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MOLDOVA NATO DEFENCE 연합뉴스22:36epa10631274 President of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Robert Bauer, delivers his speech at a briefing with the Commander of the National Army of the
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