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  • WCup England Iran Soccer
    WCup England Iran Soccer 연합뉴스 · 21:52
    Former England's player and captain David Beckham, right, seats on a tribune before the start of the World Cup group B soccer match between England and Iran
  • WCup England Iran Soccer
    WCup England Iran Soccer 연합뉴스 · 21:51
    Former England's player and captain , David Beckham, second left, speaks on a a tribune before the start of the World Cup group B soccer match between Englan
  • Britain Oil Protest
    Britain Oil Protest 연합뉴스 · 21:51
    Ocean Rebellion demonstrators protest outside the International Maritime Organisation against the use of fossil fuels in the shipping industry, in London, Mo
  • APTOPIX Britain Oil Protest
    APTOPIX Britain Oil Protest 연합뉴스 · 21:51
    Ocean Rebellion demonstrators protest outside the International Maritime Organisation against the use of fossil fuels in the shipping industry, in London, Mo
  • 우크라, 헤르손 탈환에 전세 주도…크름반도도 사정권
    우크라, 헤르손 탈환에 전세 주도…크름반도도 사정권 문화일보 · 21:51
    “우크라군, ‘안전후방’ 크름반도 보급로에 포격 가능” 헤르손서 정예병 뺀 러는 ‘돈바스 완전점령’ 올인 모양새 우크라이나가 러시아에 빼앗겼던 남부 핵심도시 ...
  • WCup England Iran Soccer
    WCup England Iran Soccer 연합뉴스 · 21:51
    Former England's player and captain , David Beckham, second right, speaks on a tribune before the start of the World Cup group B soccer match between England
  • 에르도안, '시리아·이라크' 거점 '쿠르드族' 소탕하나…"대가 치를 것"(종합)
    에르도안, '시리아·이라크' 거점 '쿠르드族' 소탕하나…"대가 치를 것"(종합) 뉴스1 · 21:47
    (서울=뉴스1) 정윤영 기자 = 튀르키예(터키)에서 쿠르드노동자당(PKK)의 소행으로 추정되는 테러 공격이 잇따라 발생하는 가운데, 레제프 타이이프 에르도안 튀르키예 ...
  • Britain Oil Protest
    Britain Oil Protest 연합뉴스 · 21:46
    Ocean Rebellion demonstrators protest outside the International Maritime Organisation against the use of fossil fuels in the shipping industry, in London, Mo
  • Britain Oil Protest
    Britain Oil Protest 연합뉴스 · 21:46
    Ocean Rebellion demonstrators protest outside the International Maritime Organisation against the use of fossil fuels in the shipping industry, in London, Mo
  • Britain Oil Protest
    Britain Oil Protest 연합뉴스 · 21:46
    Ocean Rebellion demonstrators protest outside the International Maritime Organisation against the use of fossil fuels in the shipping industry, in London, Mo
    epa10317801 Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak delivers a keynote speech at CBI conference at The Vox conference centre in Birmingham, Britain, 21 November
  • WCup England Iran Soccer
    WCup England Iran Soccer 연합뉴스 · 21:46
    Iranian soccer fans shouting slogan "Woman Life Freedom" prior to the World Cup group B soccer match between England and Iran at the Khalifa International St
  • 中 견제 위해 필리핀 찾은 해리스, "공격받으면 美 개입할 것"
    中 견제 위해 필리핀 찾은 해리스, "공격받으면 美 개입할 것" 아시아경제 · 21:44
    [아시아경제 이춘희 기자] 미국과 중국이 필리핀과의 관계 증진을 위한 경쟁을 벌이는 가운데 카멀라 해리스 미 부통령이 필리핀을 직접 방문해 대중 견제에 나섰다. 21...
  • WCup Qatar Soccer
    WCup Qatar Soccer 연합뉴스 · 21:44
    Wales' supporters rest next to Doha Corniche in Doha, Qatar, Monday, Nov. 21, 2022. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez) ▶제보는 카톡 okjebo
    epa10317795 Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (R) leaves the stage with CBI director general Tony Danker (L) at CBI conference at The Vox conference centr
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