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    RUSSIA TOURISM 연합뉴스 · 22:13
    epa10790543 Vietnamese tourists examine the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, 08 August 2023. According to Moscow's Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, 90 percent of traveler
    RUSSIA TOURISM 연합뉴스 · 22:13
    epa10790541 People stand in line for visit to the mausoleum of Soviet Union founder Vladimir Lenin at the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, 08 August 2023. Accor
    GERMANY BOSCH 연합뉴스 · 22:12
    epa10790545 A fuel-cell power module (FCPM) of Bosch company at the production in Stuttgart, Germany, 08 August 2023. The innovative fuel-cell power modules,
  • Russia Ukraine
    Russia Ukraine 연합뉴스 · 22:12
    In this photo taken from video released by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service on Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023, a Russian multiple rocket launcher fires towa
    RUSSIA TOURISM 연합뉴스 · 22:12
    epa10790538 Russian policemen stand guard as tourists visit the mausoleum of Soviet Union founder Vladimir Lenin at the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, 08 Augu
  • WWCup France Morocco Soccer
    WWCup France Morocco Soccer 연합뉴스 · 22:12
    France's Wendie Renard, left, consoles Morocco's Ghizlane Chebbak following during the Women's World Cup round of 16 soccer match between France and Morocco
  • Russia Ukraine
    Russia Ukraine 연합뉴스 · 22:12
    In this photo taken from video released by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service on Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023, a Russian howitzer fires toward Ukrainian pos
    RUSSIA TOURISM 연합뉴스 · 22:12
    epa10790540 Russian tourists visit the mausoleum of Soviet Union founder Vladimir Lenin at the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, 08 August 2023. According to Mos
    RUSSIA TOURISM 연합뉴스 · 22:12
    epa10790537 Russian policemen stand guard as tourists visit the mausoleum of Soviet Union founder Vladimir Lenin at the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, 08 Augu
  • WWCup France Morocco Soccer
    WWCup France Morocco Soccer 연합뉴스 · 22:11
    France's Estelle Cascarino consoles Morocco's Sakina Ouzraoui following the Women's World Cup round of 16 soccer match between France and Morocco in Adelaide
  • APTOPIX Nepal Monsoon Flooding
    APTOPIX Nepal Monsoon Flooding 연합뉴스 · 22:11
    Two men push a motorcycle through flood waters after heavy monsoon rains flooded a vegetable market in Kathmandu, Nepal, Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023. (AP Photo/Nir...
  • "인도 정부, 안보 이유로 자국 드론 제조사에 中부품 사용 금해"
    "인도 정부, 안보 이유로 자국 드론 제조사에 中부품 사용 금해" 연합뉴스 · 22:11
    (뉴델리=연합뉴스) 유창엽 특파원 = 인도 정부가 최근 수개월 동안 자국 군사용 드론 제조업체들에 중국산 부품을 사용하지 않도록 했다고 로이터 통신이 8일(현지시간)...
  • WMO "올 7월, 역대 가장 더워…마지노선 육박"
    WMO "올 7월, 역대 가장 더워…마지노선 육박" 연합뉴스TV · 22:08
    세계기상기구 WMO가 올해 7월은 지구 표면과 해수면이 역대 가장 더웠던 달로 기록됐다고 밝혔습니다. WMO는 현지시간 8일, 올해 7월 지구 표면 평균 기온이 섭씨 16.95...
  • WWCup France Morocco Soccer
    WWCup France Morocco Soccer 연합뉴스 · 22:08
    France's Kenza Dali, right, consoles Morocco's Nesryne El Chad following the Women's World Cup round of 16 soccer match between France and Morocco in Adelaid
  • 美 6월 무역적자, 655억 달러···3개월 만 최저 서울경제 · 22:05
    [서울경제] 미국 상무부는 6월 무역적자가 654억 9700만 달러를 기록했다고 8일(현지시간) 발표했다. 이는 3개월 만 최저치로, 상품 수입이 2021년 이후 최저 수준으로 ...
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