중남미서도 원숭이두창 첫 확진..스페인 다녀온 아르헨티나 남성 YTN22:37중남미에서도 원숭이두창 확진자가 처음으로 나왔습니다. 아르헨티나 일간 클라린과 AP통신은 현지 시각 27일 아르헨티나 보건부 관계자를 인용해 최근 스페인에 다녀온...
France Tennis French Open 연합뉴스22:37Jessica Pegula of the U.S. plays a shot against Tamara Zidansek of Slovenia during their third round match at the French Open tennis tournament in Roland Gar
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BRITAIN ROYALTY PLATINUM JUBILEE 연합뉴스22:36epa09981934 The Household Division take part in The Colonel's Review at Horseguards Parade Ground in London, Britain, 25 May 2022. The Colonel's Review is th
BRITAIN ROYALTY PLATINUM JUBILEE 연합뉴스22:36epa09981938 The Household Division take part in The Colonel's Review at Horseguards Parade Ground in London, Britain, 28 May 2022. The Colonel's Review is th
BRITAIN ROYALTY PLATINUM JUBILEE 연합뉴스22:36epa09981936 Members of the Household Division before they take part in The Colonel's Review at Horseguards Parade Ground in London, Britain, 28 May 2022. The
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INDONESIA BOAT ACCIDENT 연합뉴스22:34epa09981932 A handout photo made available by the Indonesian national search and rescue agency (BASARNAS) shows survivors sitting on a wooden boat after bein
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France Tennis French Open 연합뉴스22:33Tamara Zidansek of Slovenia plays a shot against Jessica Pegula of the U.S. during their third round match at the French Open tennis tournament in Roland Gar
France Tennis French Open 연합뉴스22:32Jessica Pegula of the U.S. plays a shot against Tamara Zidansek of Slovenia during their third round match at the French Open tennis tournament in Roland Gar
푸틴 "타의 추종 불허"..'치르콘' 발사 성공(종합) 서울신문22:31러시아가 28일(현지시간) 극초음속 미사일 치르콘 시험 발사에 성공했다고 발표했다. 치르콘은 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령이 “무적”이라고 추켜세웠던 무기 중 하...
France Tennis French Open 연합뉴스22:30Tamara Zidansek of Slovenia plays a shot against Jessica Pegula of the U.S. during their third round match at the French Open tennis tournament in Roland Gar
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타이완, 코로나 폭증·물가 급등 '이중고' YTN22:28[앵커] 코로나19를 비교적 잘 막아온 '방역 모범국' 타이완에서 신규 확진자가 폭증하며 역대 최고 수준을 오르내리고 있습니다. 물가 상승률도 만만치 않아, 시민들의 ...