Virus Outbreak Israel 연합뉴스22:59Israelis line up to receive their second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at a coronavirus vaccination center in Tel Aviv, Monday, Jan. 25, 2021. (AP Phot...
PAKISTAN STOCK EXCHANGE 연합뉴스22:59epa08964284 A Pakistani stock broker monitors the latest share prices during a trading session at the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) in Karachi, Pakistan, 25
PAKISTAN STOCK EXCHANGE 연합뉴스22:59epa08964283 Pakistani stockbrokers monitor the latest share prices during a trading session at the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) in Karachi, Pakistan, 25 Jan
PAKISTAN STOCK EXCHANGE 연합뉴스22:59epa08964281 A Pakistani stockbroker monitors the latest share prices during a trading session at the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) in Karachi, Pakistan, 25 J
PAKISTAN STOCK EXCHANGE 연합뉴스22:59epa08964282 Pakistani stockbrokers monitor the latest share prices during a trading session at the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) in Karachi, Pakistan, 25 Jan
시진핑 연설 "코로나 극복 위해 다자주의 유지하자" 국민일보22:58시진핑 중국 국가주석이 25일 세계 주요국 정상들이 참석한 ‘다보스 어젠다’ 화상 연설에서 세계가 코로나19 팬데믹 위기를 극복하기 위해 국가 간의 평등한 협력관계...
전세계 신규 확진자 감소행진 계속..토요일 59만-55만-44만명 뉴시스22:57[서울=뉴시스] 김재영 기자 = 전세계의 코로나 19 하루 확진자 감소 행진이 계속되고 있다. 미 존스홉킨스대 CSSE 집계에서 24일(토) 하루 동안 전세계서 코로나 19에 ...
Greece France Fighter Jets 연합뉴스22:55French Defense Minister Florence Parly, right, and his Greek counterpart Nikos Panagiotopoulos speak during their meeting in Athens, Monday, Jan. 25, 2021. G
Virus Outbreak Israel 연합뉴스22:55An Israeli man receives the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at a coronavirus vaccination center in Tel Aviv, Monday, Jan. 25, 2021. (AP P...
Germany Holocaust Remembrance 연합뉴스22:55An Israeli El AL plane with the slogan '#WeRemember' in support of the campaign for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, arrives from Tel Aviv at the
IVORY COAST TERROR ATTACK AFTERMATH 연합뉴스22:55epa08964275 Soldiers carry the coffins with the mortal remains of Ivorian soldiers from MINUSMA, during a national tribute ceremony at the army staff in Abid
IVORY COAST TERROR ATTACK AFTERMATH 연합뉴스22:54epa08964278 Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara (R) bows before the coffins with the mortal remains of Ivorian soldiers from MINUSMA, during a ceremony of na
Germany Holocaust Remembrance 연합뉴스22:54An Israeli El AL plane with the slogan '#WeRemember' in support of the campaign for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, arrives from Tel Aviv at the
Virus Outbreak Israel 연합뉴스22:54Israelis line up to receive their second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to a man at a coronavirus vaccination center in Tel Aviv, Monday, Jan. 25, 2021....
IVORY COAST TERROR ATTACK AFTERMATH 연합뉴스22:54epa08964273 Soldiers carry the coffins with the mortal remains of Ivorian soldiers from MINUSMA, during a national tribute ceremony at the army staff in Abid