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  • Germany Nordic Skiing
    Germany Nordic Skiing 연합뉴스 · 22:27
    Joergen Graabak from Norway jumps at the Nordic skiing combined World Cup in Klingenthal, Germany, Sunday, Jan. 16, 2022. (Hendrik Schmidt/dpa via AP) [이 시...
  • Germany Nordic Skiing
    Germany Nordic Skiing 연합뉴스 · 22:26
    Eric Frenzel from Germany jumps at the Nordic skiing combined World Cup in Klingenthal, Germany, Sunday, Jan. 16, 2022. (Hendrik Schmidt/dpa via AP) [이 시각...
  • Germany Nordic Skiing
    Germany Nordic Skiing 연합뉴스 · 22:26
    Akito Watabe from Japan jumps at the Nordic skiing combined World Cup in Klingenthal, Germany, Sunday, Jan. 16, 2022. (Hendrik Schmidt/dpa via AP) [이 시각 ...
  • Germany Nordic Skiing
    Germany Nordic Skiing 연합뉴스 · 22:26
    Vinzenz Geiger from Germany jumps at the Nordic skiing combined World Cup in Klingenthal, Germany, Sunday, Jan. 16, 2022. (Hendrik Schmidt/dpa via AP) [이 시...
  • 부패혐의 전 이스라엘 총리, 정계은퇴 조건 검찰과 협상 중
    부패혐의 전 이스라엘 총리, 정계은퇴 조건 검찰과 협상 중 한국경제TV · 22:19
    [한국경제TV 이영호 기자] 부패 혐의로 재판을 받는 베냐민 네타냐후 전 이스라엘 총리가 '플리 바겐'(유죄인정 조건부 감형 협상)을 하고 있다고 현지 언론이 16일(현...
  • APTOPIX Austria Alpine Skiing World Cup
    APTOPIX Austria Alpine Skiing World Cup 연합뉴스 · 22:16
    Italy's Federica Brignone celebrates on the podium after winning an alpine ski, women's World Cup super-G race in Zauchensee, Austria, Sunday, Jan. 16, 2022....
  • Cameroon African Cup Soccer
    Cameroon African Cup Soccer 연합뉴스 · 22:16
    Mali soccer supporters before the African Cup of Nations 2022 group F soccer match between Gambia and Mali at the Limbe Omnisport Stadium in Limbe, Cameroon,
  • Virus Outbreak India Kashmir
    Virus Outbreak India Kashmir 연합뉴스 · 22:15
    Indian paramilitary soldiers patrol at a closed market during a weekend lockdown in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Sunday, Jan. 16, 2022. Authorities i
  • Virus Outbreak India Kashmir
    Virus Outbreak India Kashmir 연합뉴스 · 22:14
    Indian paramilitary soldiers patrol at a closed market during a weekend lockdown in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Sunday, Jan. 16, 2022. Authorities i
  • Austria Alpine Skiing World Cup
    Austria Alpine Skiing World Cup 연합뉴스 · 22:14
    Switzerland's Corinne Suter celebrates on the podium her second place during the alpine ski, women's World Cup super-G race in Zauchensee, Austria, Sunday, J...
    epa09689140 Former Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow in London, Britain, 16 January 2022. A Parliamentary Inquiry has found former Speaker of the H
  • ‘밤샘 파티’ 논란 英존슨 총리, 엘리자베스 여왕에 사과 전화
    ‘밤샘 파티’ 논란 英존슨 총리, 엘리자베스 여왕에 사과 전화 조선일보 · 22:12
    보리스 존슨 영국 총리가 14일(현지 시각) 엘리자베스 2세 여왕에게 전화를 걸어 지난해 4월 여왕의 남편 필립공의 장례식 전날 총리실 직원들이 파티를 연 것에 대해 ...
  • Germany Luge World Cup
    Germany Luge World Cup 연합뉴스 · 22:12
    Anna Berreiter from Germany is happy at the finish line in women's singles event of the Luge World Cup in Oberhof, Germany, Sunday, Jan. 16, 2022. (Martin ...
  • Virus Outbreak Netherlands Protests
    Virus Outbreak Netherlands Protests 연합뉴스 · 22:12
    A demonstrator wears a message on his hat as thousands of people protested against the Dutch government's coronavirus lockdown measures in Amsterdam, Netherl
  • 독일 코로나19 초고속 확산.."아주 힘든 시기"
    독일 코로나19 초고속 확산.."아주 힘든 시기" SBS · 22:12
    독일에서 코로나19 신종 변이인 오미크론이 급속도로 확산해 독일 보건장관이 "아주 힘든 시기가 임박했다"며 코로나19 백신 접종이 의무화되면 3회분을 맞아야 할 것이...
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