ITALY PANDEMIC CURIOSITIES HOSPITALS 연합뉴스22:44epa08928175 An acrobat dressed as Marvel's Deadpool rappels down the roof to greet the children of the pediatrics ward and the Covid-19 patients of the San P
POLAND PARK OF AVIATORS IN KRAKOW 연합뉴스22:44epa08928167 A new place for recreation for tourists and residents of Krakow is being built in Park of aviators next to 'Tauron Arena' in Krakow, Poland 09 Ja
POLAND PARK OF AVIATORS IN KRAKOW 연합뉴스22:44epa08928165 A new place for recreation for tourists and residents of Krakow is being built in Park of aviators next to 'Tauron Arena' in Krakow, Poland 09 Ja
POLAND PARK OF AVIATORS IN KRAKOW 연합뉴스22:44epa08928164 A new place for recreation for tourists and residents of Krakow is being built in Park of aviators next to 'Tauron Arena' in Krakow, Poland 09 Ja
ITALY PANDEMIC CURIOSITIES HOSPITALS 연합뉴스22:42epa08928173 A team of acrobats dressed as superheroes and cartoon characters prepare to rappel down the roof to greet the children of the pediatrics ward and
POLAND PARK OF AVIATORS IN KRAKOW 연합뉴스22:42epa08928162 A new place for recreation for tourists and residents of Krakow is being built in Park of aviators next to 'Tauron Arena' in Krakow, Poland 09 Ja
ITALY PANDEMIC CURIOSITIES HOSPITALS 연합뉴스22:42epa08928172 A team of acrobats dressed as superheroes and cartoon characters prepare to rappel down the roof to greet the children of the pediatrics ward and
'트럼프 당장 떠나라' 압박 가중..美민주 탄핵안 준비 뉴시스22:42[서울=뉴시스] 김난영 기자 = 오는 1월20일 조 바이든 차기 미국 대통령 당선인 취임을 앞두고 도널드 트럼프 현 대통령 즉시 사퇴를 요구하는 목소리가 커지고 있다. ...
ITALY PANDEMIC CURIOSITIES HOSPITALS 연합뉴스22:41epa08928161 A team of acrobats dressed as superheroes and cartoon characters rappel down to greet the children of the pediatrics ward and the Covid-19 patien
ITALY PANDEMIC CURIOSITIES HOSPITALS 연합뉴스22:40epa08928160 A team of acrobats dressed as superheroes greet the children of the pediatrics ward and the Covid-19 patients of the San Paolo Hospital, in Milan
Indonesia Plane 연합뉴스22:39This radar image shows the flight path of Indonesian Sriwijaya Air Flight 182 before it dropped off radar, Saturday, Jan. 9, 2021. (Flightradar24.com via AP)
Latvia Luge World Cup 연합뉴스22:38of Germany wearing a face mask to protect from coronavirus celebrates on the podium after he placed first of a men's race at the Luge World Cup event in Sigu
Austria Alpine Skiing World Cup 연합뉴스22:38Third placed United States' Breezy Johnson celebrates at the end of an alpine ski, women's World Cup downhill in St. Anton, Austria, Saturday, Jan. 9, 2021. ...
인니 보잉 737 여객기 해상 추락한 듯..탑승자 명단 한국인 없어(종합) 뉴스122:37(서울=뉴스1) 김정한 기자 = 60여명을 태운 인도네시아의 저비용항공사인 스리위자야 항공 소속 보잉 737 여객기 1대가 해상에서 추락했을 가능성이 제기되고 있다. 9일...
Virus Outbreak India 연합뉴스22:37Shoppers wearing face masks as a precaution against the coronavirus at a busy market in Bengaluru, India, Saturday, Jan. 9, 2021. India will kick off the cor