RUSSIA ENERGY GAZPROM SHELL 연합뉴스23:56epa09989799 A Shell petrol station in St. Petersburg, Russia, 01 June 2022. Gazprom has confirmed on the day the suspension of gas supplies to Denmark's Orst
RUSSIA ENERGY GAZPROM SHELL 연합뉴스23:55epa09989801 A Shell petrol station in St. Petersburg, Russia, 01 June 2022. Gazprom has confirmed on the day the suspension of gas supplies to Denmark's Orst
RUSSIA ENERGY GAZPROM SHELL 연합뉴스23:54epa09989800 A Shell petrol station in St. Petersburg, Russia, 01 June 2022. Gazprom has confirmed on the day the suspension of gas supplies to Denmark's Orst
GERMANY FUEL TAX 연합뉴스23:33epa09989723 Vehicles approach a gas station in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 01 June 2022. From 01 June on, a discount on fuel tax comes into effect. EPA/CONS...
GERMANY FUEL TAX 연합뉴스23:31epa09989721 A man fills up his car at a gas station in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 01 June 2022. From 01 June on, a discount on fuel tax comes into effect. ...
GERMANY FUEL TAX 연합뉴스23:31epa09989720 A man takes a petrol pump at a gas station in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 01 June 2022. From 01 June on, a discount on fuel tax comes into effect...
GERMANY FUEL TAX 연합뉴스23:31epa09989719 Vehicles approach a gas station in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 01 June 2022. From 01 June on, a discount on fuel tax comes into effect. EPA/CONS...
바이든 "우크라 무기 지원 계속..미, 공격 받지 않는 한 전쟁에 직접 관여 안 해" 경향신문22:43“푸틴 축출하려는 의도 없어 유럽의 평화·안정은 국익” 나토의 동진 강화 지속 의지 ‘미국은 우크라이나에서 무엇을 하고 무엇을 하지 않을 것인가.’ 조 바이든 미...
폭스뉴스 진행자, BTS 백악관 초청에 "美 위상 떨어뜨려" 조롱 세계일보21:5531일(현지시간) 미국 수도 워싱턴DC 백악관 기자실에서 방탄소년단(BTS) 멤버들이 아시아계 증오 범죄에 대한 입장을 전달하고 있다. 워싱턴DC=AP연합 미국의 보수 ...
옐런 "인플레 일시적일 것이라 오판했다" 서울경제21:53[서울경제] 재닛 옐런 미국 재무장관이 인플레이션이 일시적일 것이라고 했던 자신의 과거 발언이 오판이었다고 시인했다. 옐런 장관은 5월 31일(현지 시간) CNN방송과...
바이든, 우크라에 첨단 로켓 보낸다 서울경제21:52[서울경제] 조 바이든 미국 대통령이 우크라이나에 핵심 목표를 정밀 타격할 수 있는 중거리 첨단 로켓 시스템을 제공하겠다고 5월 31일(현지 시간) 밝혔다. 다만 러시...
BANGLADESH BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION 연합뉴스21:05epa09989452 General view of the Padma Bridge at the Maowa point in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 01 June 2022. The Padma Bridge is reportedly one of the largest infrast
BANGLADESH BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION 연합뉴스21:04epa09989453 General view of the Padma Bridge at the Maowa point in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 01 June 2022. The Padma Bridge is reportedly one of the largest infrast
BANGLADESH BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION 연합뉴스21:04epa09989455 General view of the Padma Bridge at the Maowa point in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 01 June 2022. The Padma Bridge is reportedly one of the largest infrast
BANGLADESH BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION 연합뉴스21:04epa09989457 General view of the Padma Bridge at the Maowa point in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 01 June 2022. The Padma Bridge is reportedly one of the largest infrast