'EU 정상회의 앞둔' 헝가리 "러산 원유 금수 조치, 아직 타협할 수준 아냐" 뉴스123:16(서울=뉴스1) 원태성 기자 = 헝가리가 유럽연합(EU)의 새로운 러시아산 원유 수입 금지 제재안에도 반대입장을 고수했다. 로이터통신에 따르면 30일(현지시간) 빅토르 ...
'모나리자'에 케이크 던진 남성.."지구 생각해 달라" 외쳐 서울경제23:07[서울경제] 환경주의자로 추정되는 한 남성이 1조원이 넘을 것으로 추정되는 레오나르도 다 빈치의 대표작 '모나리자'에 케이크를 던지는 일이 발생했다. 30일(현지시간...
장갑차 뚫은 러軍 포격 파편 맞고 佛기자 포함 2명 사망 뉴스122:51(서울=뉴스1) 정윤미 기자 = 우크라이나 동부 루한스크주 세베로도네츠크시에서 러시아군 포격으로 대피 중이던 한 프랑스 언론인이 사망한 것으로 알려졌다. 영국 일간...
BRITAIN PLATINUM JUBILEE SALES BOOST 연합뉴스22:49epa09986329 People at restaurants in London, Britain, 30 May 2022. According to figures forecast by the New West End Company, struggling UK small businesses
BRITAIN PLATINUM JUBILEE SALES BOOST 연합뉴스22:45epa09986335 Union flags decorate the streets in London, Britain, 30 May 2022. According to figures forecast by the New West End Company, struggling UK small
BRITAIN PLATINUM JUBILEE SALES BOOST 연합뉴스22:45epa09986334 Union flag bunting in London, Britain, 30 May 2022. According to figures forecast by the New West End Company, struggling UK small businesses suc
BRITAIN PLATINUM JUBILEE SALES BOOST 연합뉴스22:45epa09986328 People at restaurants in London, Britain, 30 May 2022. According to figures forecast by the New West End Company, struggling UK small businesses
BRITAIN PLATINUM JUBILEE SALES BOOST 연합뉴스22:44epa09986337 People walk past a pub in London, Britain, 30 May 2022. According to figures forecast by the New West End Company, struggling UK small businesses
BRITAIN PLATINUM JUBILEE SALES BOOST 연합뉴스22:44epa09986331 A Platinum Jubilee flag hangs from a pub in London, Britain, 30 May 2022. According to figures forecast by the New West End Company, struggling U
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epaselect SWEDEN WORLD RECORD PARACHUTE JUMP 연합뉴스21:04epaselect epa09985979 Rut Larsson (C), a 103-year-old Swedish woman from Mjolby, celebrates after setting the world record for the oldest person (female) to
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BRITAIN PLATINUM JUBILEE 연합뉴스20:31epa09986049 A look-alike of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II walks into Superdrug with her three corgis in London, Britain, 30 May 2022. London is preparing for
BRITAIN PLATINUM JUBILEE 연합뉴스20:31epa09986050 A look-alike of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II walks into Superdrug with her three corgis in London, Britain, 30 May 2022. London is preparing for
BRITAIN PLATINUM JUBILEE 연합뉴스20:24epa09986048 A look-alike of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II walks into Superdrug with her three corgis in London, Britain, 30 May 2022. London is preparing for