정전기로 자석처럼 꽃가루 원격 수집하는 나비 동아사이언스08:02나비나 나방이 날아다니며 몸에 정전기를 축적하고 이를 활용해 직접 건드리지 않고도 꽃가루 알갱이를 원격으로 수집한다는 연구결과가 나왔다. 동물 몸에 쌓이는 정전...
질병 조기진단 시장 선점… 디지털헬스케어 투자 확대 디지털타임스06:14질병 조기 진단 수요가 증가하면서 제약사들이 디지털헬스케어 분야에 대한 투자를 늘리고 본격적으로 사업화를 시도하고 있다. 신사업 영역에서 매출을 확대해 장기적...
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:44epa11492929 Two NASA Space Launch System rocket booster sections are placed at the Rotation, Processing & Surge Facility, in order to be used in the Artemis
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:44epa11492928 Two NASA Space Launch System rocket booster sections are placed at the Rotation, Processing & Surge Facility, in order to be used in the Artemis
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:44epa11492919 Artemis mission workers stand in near two NASA Space Launch System rocket AFT booster sections placed at the Rotation, Processing & Surge Facilit
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:44epa11492925 Two NASA Space Launch System rocket AFT booster sections are placed at the Rotation, Processing & Surge Facility, in order to be used in the Arte
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:44epa11492922 NASA Pegasus barge, containing the fully assembled core stage for the NASA Space Launch System rocket, arrives to the to the Kennedy Space Center
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:44epa11492924 NASA Pegasus barge, containing the fully assembled core stage for the NASA Space Launch System rocket, arrives to the to the Kennedy Space Center
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:43epa11492930 Two NASA Space Launch System rocket booster sections are placed at the Rotation, Processing & Surge Facility, in order to be used in the Artemis
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:43epa11492923 NASA Pegasus barge, containing the fully assembled core stage for the NASA Space Launch System rocket, arrives to the to the Kennedy Space Center
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:43epa11492918 NASA Pegasus barge, containing the fully assembled core stage for the NASA Space Launch System rocket, arrives to the to the Kennedy Space Center
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:43epa11492927 Two NASA Space Launch System rocket AFT booster sections are placed at the Rotation, Processing & Surge Facility, in order to be used in the Arte
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:42epa11492920 NASA Pegasus barge, containing the fully assembled core stage for the NASA Space Launch System rocket, arrives to the to the Kennedy Space Center
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:42epa11492917 NASA Pegasus barge, containing the fully assembled core stage for the NASA Space Launch System rocket, arrives to the to the Kennedy Space Center
USA SPACE 연합뉴스02:42epa11492921 NASA Pegasus barge, containing the fully assembled core stage for the NASA Space Launch System rocket, arrives to the to the Kennedy Space Center