우크라 "곡물 수출선 검사 중단...흑해곡물협정 위기" YTN23:21전쟁 중에도 우크라이나의 곡물 수출길을 열어준 흑해곡물협정이 중단 위기에 처했습니다. 우크라이나 복원부는 17일 페이스북에 올린 글에서 협정 체결 후 9개월 만에 ...
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FRANCE RIO PARIS PLANE CRASH TRIAL 연합뉴스23:20epa10576861 French lawyer Alain Jakubowicz (C) talks to the press on the verdict's day in the trial relating to the crash of the Rio-Paris flight AF447 in 20
FRANCE RIO PARIS PLANE CRASH TRIAL 연합뉴스23:20epa10576859 French lawyer Alain Jakubowicz (C) talks to the press on the verdict's day in the trial relating to the crash of the Rio-Paris flight AF447 in 20
FRANCE RIO PARIS PLANE CRASH TRIAL 연합뉴스23:20epa10576863 Ophelie Touillou, sister of a victim of a crash, reacts as she talks to the press on the verdict's day in the trial relating to the crash of the
FRANCE RIO PARIS PLANE CRASH TRIAL 연합뉴스23:20epa10576864 Ophelie Touillou, sister of a victim of a crash, reacts as she talks to the press on the verdict's day in the trial relating to the crash of the
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FRANCE RIO PARIS PLANE CRASH TRIAL 연합뉴스23:19epa10576865 Ophelie Touillou, sister of a victim of a crash, reacts as she talks to the press on the verdict's day in the trial relating to the crash of the