UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:39epa11252991 Demonstrators hold placards as they take part in a rally calling on authorities to return their relatives from Russian captivity, in downtown Kyi
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:39epa11252990 Demonstrators hold placards as they take part in a rally calling on authorities to return their relatives from Russian captivity, in downtown Kyi
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:39epa11252993 Demonstrators hold placards as they take part in a rally calling on authorities to return their relatives from Russian captivity, in downtown Kyi
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:39epa11252997 Demonstrators hold placards as they take part in a rally calling on authorities to return their relatives from Russian captivity, in downtown Kyi
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:39epa11252998 Demonstrators hold placards as they take part in a rally calling on authorities to return their relatives from Russian captivity, in downtown Kyi
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:39epa11253004 Demonstrators hold placards as they take part in a rally calling on authorities to return their relatives from Russian captivity, in downtown Kyi
미 하원, 직원들 MS AI 챗봇 사용 금지…"데이터 유출 우려" SBS22:39▲ 코파일럿 미국 하원이 데이터 보안을 이유로 의회 직원들의 마이크로소프트(MS) AI 챗봇 '코파일럿' 사용을 금지했습니다. 현지시간 29일 미 매체 악시오스에 따르면...
UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:39epa11253000 Demonstrators hold placards as they take part in a rally calling on authorities to return their relatives from Russian captivity, in downtown Kyi
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UKRAINE RUSSIA CONFLICT 연합뉴스22:39epa11253003 Demonstrators hold placards as they take part in a rally calling on authorities to return their relatives from Russian captivity, in downtown Kyi
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