하니 "빵 먹고 울었다가 욕 먹어, 거울 세포 많은 탓"(강심장VS) [TV캡처] 스포츠투데이23:26[스포츠투데이 임시령 기자] '강심장VS' 하니가 촬영 중 눈물을 흘려 욕을 먹었다고 밝혔다. 9일 방송된 SBS 예능프로그램 '강심장VS'에서는 방송인 박지윤, 이승국, 장...
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South Africa Zuma Elections 연합뉴스23:25Supporters of former South African President Jacob Zuma stand outside the Electoral High Court in Johannesburg Monday April 8 2024. South Africa's Electoral
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Total Solar Eclipse Ohio 연합뉴스23:24Cleveland Guardians outfielder Steven Kwan, front right, and pitcher Tyler Beede, left, uses special glasses to take a photo of the total solar eclipse befor
Total Solar Eclipse Ohio 연합뉴스23:24Cleveland Guardians catcher Bo Naylor, left, pitcher Tanner Bibee, center, and pitcher Triston McKenzie use special glasses to watch the total solar eclipse,
Total Solar Eclipse Ohio 연합뉴스23:24Cleveland Guardians pitcher Emmanuel Clase uses special glasses to watch the total solar eclipse, Monday, April 8, 2024, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Ron Schwane)...
Total Solar Eclipse Ohio 연합뉴스23:24Cleveland Guardians outfielder Will Brennan uses special glasses to watch the total solar eclipse, Monday, April 8, 2024, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Ron Schwane...
Total Solar Eclipse Ohio 연합뉴스23:24Cleveland Guardians third baseman Gabriel Arias uses special glasses to watch the total solar eclipse, Monday, April 8, 2024, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Ron Sch...
Total Solar Eclipse Ohio 연합뉴스23:24Cleveland Guardians second baseman Andrés Giménez uses special glasses to watch the total solar eclipse, Monday, April 8, 2024, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Ron...