KAZAKHSTAN RIOTS AFTERMATH 연합뉴스23:35epa09682807 The general view of the burnt building of the city hall in Almaty, Kazakhstan, 13 January 2022. In accordance with the decision of the CSTO Colle
[속보]뉴욕증시 상승출발..나스닥 0.38%↑ 머니투데이23:35뉴욕증시가 상승 출발했다. 13일(현지시간) 오전 9시33분 현재 다우지수와 S&P500지수는 각각 0.34%, 0.26% 상승 중이다. 나스닥지수는 0.38% 상승하고 있다. [관련기사...
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CHINA BEIJING 2022 WINTER OLYMPICS 연합뉴스23:34epa09682774 People wave Chinese flags in front of the Beijing Olympic Tower near venues for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China, 13 January 20
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KAZAKHSTAN RIOTS AFTERMATH 연합뉴스23:34epa09682777 Kazakh servicemen attend the ceremony marking the beginning of the withdrawal of peacekeeping troops of the Collective Security Treaty Organisati
KAZAKHSTAN RIOTS AFTERMATH 연합뉴스23:34epa09682775 Russian servicemen attend the ceremony marking the beginning of the withdrawal of peacekeeping troops of the Collective Security Treaty Organisat
KAZAKHSTAN RIOTS AFTERMATH 연합뉴스23:34epa09682780 Russian servicemen attend the ceremony marking the beginning of the withdrawal of peacekeeping troops of the Collective Security Treaty Organisat
KAZAKHSTAN RIOTS AFTERMATH 연합뉴스23:33epa09682781 Kazakh servicemen attend the ceremony marking the beginning of the withdrawal of peacekeeping troops of the Collective Security Treaty Organisati