'UFC 랭킹 진입 눈앞' 최승우, "준비 너무 잘해 기분 좋다" 스포탈코리아19:36[스포탈코리아] ‘스팅’ 최승우(28)가 4연승과 함께 UFC 랭킹 진입을 노린다. 최승우는 오는 24일 오전 2시(한국시간) 미국 네바다주의 라스베이거스 UFC 에이팩스에서...
한국 탁구, 내년 1월 프로리그 출범 마니아타임즈19:33여자탁구 스타 신유빈 [월간탁구 제공] 한국 탁구가 프로화의 첫발을 내디딘다. 탁구계에 따르면 대한탁구협회와 한국실업탁구연맹(실업연맹)이 추진해온 프로리그가...
신록, 역도 남자 61kg급 합계 294kg 한국 신기록 마니아타임즈19:30한국 역도 경량급 유망주 신록 [사진공동취재단=연합뉴스 자료사진] 한국 역도 경량급 유망주 신록(19·고양시청)이 남자 61㎏급 합계와 용상에서 한국 신기록을 세웠...
이재안, 영양씨름대회서 6년여 만에 태백장사 복귀 마니아타임즈19:27영양장사 씨름대회 태백장사 등극한 양평군청 이재안 [대한씨름협회 제공] 이재안(35·양평군청)이 약 6년 6개월 만에 태백장사 타이틀을 되찾았다. 이재안은 18일 경...
GREECE BEIJING 2022 WINTER OLYMPICS 연합뉴스19:23epa09529839 Greek actress Xanthi Georgiou, playing the role of High Priestess, lights the flame during the Olympic flame lighting ceremony for the Beijing 20
GREECE BEIJING 2022 WINTER OLYMPICS 연합뉴스19:22epa09529838 Greek actress Xanthi Georgiou, playing the role of High Priestess (C), raises the flame during the Olympic flame lighting ceremony for the Beijin
SOUTH AFRICA MOUNTAIN BIKING 연합뉴스19:18epa09529836 A rider prepares for the start of Stage 1 of the 2021 Absa Cape Epic mountain bike race over 98km in and around the town of Ceres, South Africa,
SOUTH AFRICA MOUNTAIN BIKING 연합뉴스19:17epa09529835 Team EF Education-Nippo rider Lachlan Morton (front) of Australia in action during Stage 1 of the 2021 Absa Cape Epic mountain bike race over 98k
SOUTH AFRICA MOUNTAIN BIKING 연합뉴스19:16epa09529832 Team Bulls rider Simon Stiebjahn (front) of Germany leads the peloton of professional elite riders on a dirt road during Stage 1 of the 2021 Absa
SOUTH AFRICA MOUNTAIN BIKING 연합뉴스19:15epa09529830 Riders in action during Stage 1 of the 2021 Absa Cape Epic mountain bike race over 98km in and around the town of Ceres, South Africa, 18 October
SOUTH AFRICA MOUNTAIN BIKING 연합뉴스19:14epa09529829 Professional elite riders race as they leave the start grid during Stage 1 of the 2021 Absa Cape Epic mountain bike race over 98km in and around
SOUTH AFRICA MOUNTAIN BIKING 연합뉴스19:14epa09529819 Two teams ride under trees during Stage 1 of the 2021 Absa Cape Epic mountain bike stage race over 98km in and around the town of Ceres, South Af
SOUTH AFRICA MOUNTAIN BIKING 연합뉴스19:13epa09529825 Stage winners Bulls #1 team riders Urs Huber (C-R) of Switzerland and Simon Schneller (C-L) of Germany celebrate on the podium after Stage 1 of t
SOUTH AFRICA MOUNTAIN BIKING 연합뉴스19:13epa09529828 Team Bulls #1 rider Simon Schneller (L) of Germany celebrates after crossing the finish line to win Stage 1 of the 2021 Absa Cape Epic mountain b
SOUTH AFRICA MOUNTAIN BIKING 연합뉴스19:13epa09529824 A rider drinks an energy drink after finishing Stage 1 of the 2021 Absa Cape Epic mountain bike race over 98km in and around the town of Ceres, S