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    ITALY TENNIS 연합뉴스 · 00:15
    epa11337184 Angelique Kerber of Germany in action during her women's singles fourth round match against Iga Swiatek of Poland at the Italian Open tennis tour
    ITALY TENNIS 연합뉴스 · 00:15
    epa11337181 Angelique Kerber of Germany in action during her women's singles fourth round match against Iga Swiatek of Poland at the Italian Open tennis tour
    ITALY TENNIS 연합뉴스 · 00:15
    epa11337186 Iga Swiatek of Poland in action during her women's singles fourth round match against Angelique Kerber of Germany at the Italian Open tennis tour
    ITALY TENNIS 연합뉴스 · 00:15
    epa11337182 Angelique Kerber of Germany in action during her women's singles fourth round match against Iga Swiatek of Poland at the Italian Open tennis tour
    ITALY TENNIS 연합뉴스 · 00:14
    epa11337192 Iga Swiatek of Poland in action during her women's singles fourth round match against Angelique Kerber of Germany at the Italian Open tennis tour
    ITALY TENNIS 연합뉴스 · 00:14
    epa11337193 Iga Swiatek of Poland in action during her women's singles fourth round match against Angelique Kerber of Germany at the Italian Open tennis tour
    ITALY TENNIS 연합뉴스 · 00:14
    epa11337191 Iga Swiatek of Poland in action during her women's singles fourth round match against Angelique Kerber of Germany at the Italian Open tennis tour
  • 강원 태권도 전사, 베트남 아시아선수권 출사표 강원도민일보 · 00:05
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