조성재, 평영 100m서 한국선수 최초 1분벽 돌파..도쿄행도 확정 연합뉴스19:30(서울=연합뉴스) 배진남 기자 = 조성재(20·제주시청)가 남자 평영 100m에서 한국 선수 최초로 1분 벽을 깨뜨리고 생애 첫 올림픽 출전도 확정했다. 조성재는 14일 제...
중학생 이은지, 언니들 제치고 배영 200m 도쿄행 확정 뉴시스19:29[서울=뉴시스] 권혁진 기자 = 여자 배영 기대주 이은지(오륜중)가 2020 도쿄올림픽 무대를 밟는다. 이은지는 14일 제주종합운동장에서 열린 2021 경영 국가대표 선발전 ...
[스포츠머그] 일본 국민의 59%가 반대..심각한 코로나 상황에 도쿄올림픽 취소 여론 확산 SBS19:21최근 일본 내 코로나19 확진자 수가 증가 추세로 접어들었습니다. 이에 따라 일본 국민들 사이에서 도쿄올림픽 개최에 대한 부정적인 여론이 확산하고 있는데, 세레나 ...
HUNGARY EUROPEAN AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 연합뉴스19:16epa09198987 Vivienne Koch and Joelle Peschl of Switzerland perform during the artistic swimming women's duet free final of the LEN European Aquatics Champion
'당찬 스무살'조성재 男평영100m 59초65!사상 첫1분벽X올림픽A기록 찢었다![도쿄 경영선발전] 스포츠조선19:15'대한민국 평영 에이스' 조성재(20·제주시청)가 대한민국 수영 역사상 최초로 남자 평영 100m에서 1분 벽을 넘어섰다. 조성재는 14일 제주종합경기장 내 실내수영장에...
HUNGARY EUROPEAN AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 연합뉴스19:14epa09198974 Anna Maria Alexandri and Eirini Alexandri of Austria perform during the artistic swimming women's duet free final of the LEN European Aquatics Ch
HUNGARY EUROPEAN AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 연합뉴스19:14epa09198972 Anna Maria Alexandri and Eirini Alexandri of Austria perform during the artistic swimming women's duet free final of the LEN European Aquatics Ch
HUNGARY EUROPEAN AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 연합뉴스19:14epa09198975 Anna Maria Alexandri and Eirini Alexandri of Austria perform during the artistic swimming women's duet free final of the LEN European Aquatics Ch
HUNGARY EUROPEAN AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 연합뉴스19:14epa09198973 Eden Blecher and Shelly Bobritsky of Israel perform during the artistic swimming women's duet free final of the LEN European Aquatics Championshi
HUNGARY EUROPEAN AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 연합뉴스19:14epa09198971 Eden Blecher and Shelly Bobritsky of Israel perform during the artistic swimming women's duet free final of the LEN European Aquatics Championshi
HUNGARY EUROPEAN AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 연합뉴스19:14epa09198970 Anna Maria Alexandri and Eirini Alexandri of Austria perform during the artistic swimming women's duet free final of the LEN European Aquatics Ch
HUNGARY EUROPEAN AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 연합뉴스19:13epa09198969 Anna Maria Alexandri and Eirini Alexandri of Austria perform during the artistic swimming women's duet free final of the LEN European Aquatics Ch
HUNGARY EUROPEAN AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 연합뉴스19:11epa09198963 Marlene Bojer and Michelle Zimmer of Germany perform during the women's duet free final of the LEN European Aquatics Championships at Duna Arena
HUNGARY EUROPEAN AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 연합뉴스19:11epa09198965 Jasmine Verbena and Jasmine Zonzini of San Marino perform during the women's duet free final of the LEN European Aquatics Championships at Duna A
HUNGARY EUROPEAN AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 연합뉴스19:11epa09198961 Jasmine Verbena and Jasmine Zonzini of San Marino perform during the women's duet free final of the LEN European Aquatics Championships at Duna A