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  • 중국 주도 회의 '브릭스+13개국' 참여..나토회의 앞두고 세과시
    중국 주도 회의 '브릭스+13개국' 참여..나토회의 앞두고 세과시 연합뉴스 · 15:07
    (베이징=연합뉴스) 조준형 특파원 = 중국이 서방에 맞서 브릭스(BRICS·브라질, 러시아, 인도, 중국, 남아프리카공화국의 신흥 경제 5개국)의 외연 확대를 추진하며 개...
  • 싱가포르, 외국인 근로자 휴일 이동 제한.."차별" 지적 YTN · 15:06
    싱가포르가 외국인 근로자의 외출 허가제를 폐지했지만 휴일 공공 장소 방문을 제한하면서 외국인 차별이라는 지적이 계속되고 있습니다. 25일 AFP통신에 따르면 싱가포...
  • Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights
    Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights 연합뉴스 · 15:05
    FILE - Anti-LGBT protesters burn an LGBT flag at the International Amnesty building during the opening ceremony of the Pride Week in Kyiv, Ukraine, Tuesday,
  • Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights
    Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights 연합뉴스 · 15:05
    FILE - LGBT activists and their supporters gather for the first-ever pride parade in the central city of Plock, Poland, Saturday Aug. 10, 2019. Despite the w
  • Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights
    Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights 연합뉴스 · 15:05
    FILE - People take part in the annual Gay Pride parade, being protected by riot police in Kyiv, Ukraine, Sunday, June 18, 2017. Despite the war in Ukraine, t
  • Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights
    Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights 연합뉴스 · 15:05
    FILE - People take part in the Equality Parade, the largest gay pride parade in central and eastern Europe, in Warsaw, Poland, Saturday June 19, 2021. Despit
  • Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights
    Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights 연합뉴스 · 15:05
    FILE - People take part in the annual Gay Pride parade, under the protection of riot police in Kyiv, Ukraine, Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021. Despite the war in Ukra
  • Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights
    Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights 연합뉴스 · 15:05
    FILE - A woman holds a poster depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin during a protest in front of the Russian embassy in Madrid, Spain, Friday Aug. 23, 2
  • Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights
    Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights 연합뉴스 · 15:05
    FILE - A Russian Gay Rights protester is taken away by riot police officers in Moscow, Russia, Saturday, May 16, 2009. Russia passed a law in 2013 that bans
  • Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights
    Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights 연합뉴스 · 15:05
    FILE - Riot police detain a protester who is trying to stop Ukraine's first gay pride demonstration in Kyiv, Ukraine, Saturday, May 25, 2013. Despite the war
  • Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights
    Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights 연합뉴스 · 15:05
    FILE - Gay rights activists carry rainbow flags as they march during a May Day rally in St. Petersburg, Russia, Wednesday, May 1, 2013. Russia passed a law i
  • Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights
    Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights 연합뉴스 · 15:05
    FILE - Russian police officers detain a gay rights activist with his flag during an attempt to hold a gay pride parade in Moscow, Russia, Sunday, May 27, 201
  • 유럽여행 갈 때 10000원 내고 승인도 받아야..내년 5월부터 새 여행허가제 도입
    유럽여행 갈 때 10000원 내고 승인도 받아야..내년 5월부터 새 여행허가제 도입 아시아경제 · 15:04
    [아시아경제 김나연 인턴기자] 내년 5월부터 우리나라를 비롯한 주요국 국민이 유럽연합(EU) 국가로 여행을 가려면 7유로(약 9560원)의 수수료를 내고 온라인으로 별도 ...
  • Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights
    Poland Ukraine LGBT Rights 연합뉴스 · 15:04
    FILE - Gay and lesbian rights activists perform during the annual Gay Pride parade, protected by riot police in Kyiv, Ukraine, Sunday, June 17, 2018. Despite
  • Global Protests Inflation
    Global Protests Inflation 연합뉴스 · 15:04
    FILE - Few passengers walk at Waterloo East station as train services continue to be disrupted following the nationwide strike by members of the Rail, Mariti
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