RUSSIA CHRISTMAS DECORATION 연합뉴스05:12epa10380495 The decorations for Christmas and the New Year holidays in center of Moscow, Russia, 28 December 2022. Russians are preparing to celebrate New Ye
RUSSIA CHRISTMAS DECORATION 연합뉴스05:12epa10380496 Russian people walk near a letter Z installation on display as part of decoration for Christmas and the New Year holidays in center of Moscow, Ru
RUSSIA CHRISTMAS DECORATION 연합뉴스05:12epa10380493 Russian people walk near decorations for Christmas and the New Year holidays in center of Moscow, Russia, 28 December 2022. Russians are preparin
RUSSIA CHRISTMAS DECORATION 연합뉴스05:12epa10380497 Russian man walks near a letter Z installation on display as part of decoration for Christmas and the New Year holidays in center of Moscow, Russ
RUSSIA CHRISTMAS DECORATION 연합뉴스05:12epa10380498 Russian people walk near a letter Z installation on display as part of decoration for Christmas and the New Year holidays in center of Moscow, Ru
RUSSIA CHRISTMAS DECORATION 연합뉴스05:12epa10380494 Russian people walk near decorations for Christmas and the New Year holidays in center of Moscow, Russia, 28 December 2022. Russians are preparin
RUSSIA CHRISTMAS DECORATION 연합뉴스05:12epa10380499 Russian people walk near a letter Z installation on display as part of decoration for Christmas and the New Year holidays in center of Moscow, Ru
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