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    SPAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스 · 21:53
    epa10905279 Spain's Crown Princess Leonor looks on after the swearing-in of the Spanish flag during an official ceremony with the cadets of her class at the
  • epaselect SPAIN ROYALTY
    epaselect SPAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스 · 21:17
    epaselect epa10905017 Spain's Crown Princess Leonor (C) takes part in a parade before swearing in the Spanish flag with the rest of the cadets of her course
    SPAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스 · 20:54
    epa10905213 Spain's Queen Letizia (R) looks on during the official flag swearing ceremony attended by Spain's Crown Princess Leonor and the cadets of her cla
  • 초점 잃은 눈의 아버지…러 공습에 잠자던 10살 아들 숨졌다
    초점 잃은 눈의 아버지…러 공습에 잠자던 10살 아들 숨졌다 중앙일보 · 20:26
    러시아의 우크라이나 공습으로 아들을 잃은 아버지의 사연이 안타까움을 자아내고 있다고 영국 일간 텔레그래프가 전했다. 보도에 따르면 6일(현지시간) 오전 6시 30분...
    SPAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스 · 20:20
    epa10905154 Spain's Crown Princess Leonor (L front) takes part in a parade with the rest of the cadets of her course after the swearing-in of the Spanish fla
    SPAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스 · 20:20
    epa10905153 Spain's Crown Princess Leonor (R front) takes part in a parade with the rest of the cadets of her course after the swearing-in of the Spanish fla
    SPAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스 · 19:49
    epa10905053 Spain's Crown Princess Leonor (C) and the cadets of her course stand in formation before the swearing in of the Spanish flag during an official c
    SPAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스 · 19:49
    epa10905068 Spain's Crown Princess Leonor parades before swearing in the Spanish flag with the rest of the cadets of her course during an official ceremony a
  • 러 공습에 숨진 10살 소년…시신 가방에 들어가는 모습 지켜본 아버지
    러 공습에 숨진 10살 소년…시신 가방에 들어가는 모습 지켜본 아버지 문화일보 · 19:45
    러시아의 공습에 민간인의 피해가 눈덩이처럼 불어나고 있는 가운데 아파트에서 잠자고 있던 10살 아들이 러시아 미사일에 맞아 숨진 아버지의 사연이 세계인들을 울리...
    SPAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스 · 19:35
    epa10905005 Spain's Crown Princess Leonor (C) takes part in a parade before swearing in the Spanish flag with the rest of the cadets of her course during an
    SPAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스 · 19:34
    epa10905036 Spain's Crown Princess Leonor (R) swears in the Spanish flag during an official ceremony along with the rest of the cadets of her course at the M
    SPAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스 · 19:34
    epa10905037 Spain's Crown Princess Leonor (R) swears in the Spanish flag during an official ceremony along with the rest of the cadets of her course at the M
    SPAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스 · 19:31
    epa10905019 Spain's Crown Princess Leonor (C) takes part in a parade before swearing in the Spanish flag with the rest of the cadets of her course during an
    SPAIN ROYALTY 연합뉴스 · 19:31
    epa10905017 Spain's Crown Princess Leonor (C) takes part in a parade before swearing in the Spanish flag with the rest of the cadets of her course during an
  • 네덜란드 이어 포르투갈서도 '트랜스젠더' 미인대회 첫 우승
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