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  • [Kim Myong-sik] 72 years from Rhee Syng-man to Moon Jae-in
    [Kim Myong-sik] 72 years from Rhee Syng-man to Moon Jae-in 코리아헤럴드 · 05:33
    Confusion in the US presidential election passed two weeks since the Nov. 3 voting with Donald Trump still refusing to accept Joe Biden’s victory despite th
  • [Max Nisen] A giant leap against pandemics
    [Max Nisen] A giant leap against pandemics 코리아헤럴드 · 05:32
    The world now seems likely to have at least two effective vaccines against COVID-19 with Monday’s announcement of positive early data from Moderna Therapeut...
  • [Editorial] Narrowing stance 코리아헤럴드 · 05:31
    At a press conference this week, US President-elect Joe Biden affirmed his administration would seek to take the lead in setting the rules for trade in the A
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