모터스포츠, 때아닌 'NO 마스크' 논란..SNS 때문? 스포츠투데이22:32[스포츠투데이 김호진 기자] CJ대한통운 슈퍼레이스 챔피언십 2021시즌 개막전이 빗속에서 막을 올린 가운데 레이싱모델들의 마스크 착용 의무화가 이뤄지지 않아 논란...
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SINGAPORE PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스22:31epa09204136 Tables are cordoned off at a hawker centre in Singapore, 16 May 2021. Singapore has tightened its circuit breaker restrictions in response to a r
[부고]이재영 전 한국산업인력공단 홍보실장 별세·성진 광진 부친상 동아일보22:30◇이재영 전 한국산업인력공단 홍보실장 별세·이성진 린치핀 대표 광진 성림의원 원장 부친상 =16일 부천 대성병원, 발인 18일 오전 10시 032-666-1002
SINGAPORE PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스22:30epa09204135 A restaurant worker prepares takeaway food from customers in Singapore, 16 May 2021. Singapore has tightened its circuit breaker restrictions in
SINGAPORE PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스22:30epa09204137 Cleaners sit at cordoned off tables at a hawker centre in Singapore, 16 May 2021. Singapore has tightened its circuit breaker restrictions in res
SINGAPORE PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스22:30epa09204134 A food delivery rider pushes his bicycle through the Holland Village neighbourhood in Singapore, 16 May 2021. Singapore has tightened its circuit
SINGAPORE PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스22:30epa09204127 A delivery rider mounts his motorbike while carrying takeaway food at the Holland Village neighbourhood in Singapore, 16 May 2021. Singapore has
"술주정 부린다"..벽돌로 남편 때려 살해한 60대 아내 영장 연합뉴스22:30(평택=연합뉴스) 이영주 기자= 술주정 부린다는 이유로 남편을 둔기로 내리쳐 숨지게 한 60대 아내가 경찰에 붙잡혔다. 경기 평택경찰서는 살해 혐의로 A 씨(62)에 대한...
SINGAPORE PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스22:30epa09204132 A Grab delivery rider rides through the Holland Village neighbourhood in Singapore, 16 May 2021. Singapore has tightened its circuit breaker rest
SINGAPORE PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스22:30epa09204129 Delivery riders wait outside restaurants at the Holland Village neighbourhood in Singapore, 16 May 2021. Singapore has tightened its circuit brea
SINGAPORE PANDEMIC CORONAVIRUS COVID19 연합뉴스22:30epa09204130 A Grab delivery rider rides past chairs stacked underneath a sheet outside restaurants at the Holland Village neighbourhood in Singapore, 16 May