Philippines Coast Guard 연합뉴스19:13Philippine Coast Guard officers look as personnel ride one of their ships during a send-off ceremony for the Maritime Security Law Enforcement Command at Coa
Philippines Coast Guard 연합뉴스19:13Philippine Coast Guard personnel board a ship during their send-off ceremony for the Maritime Security Law Enforcement Command at Coast Guard headquarters in
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Philippines Coast Guard 연합뉴스19:12Philippine Coast Guard personnel stand in formation during their send-off ceremony for the Maritime Security Law Enforcement Command at Coast Guard headquart
IRAN PRESIDENT RAISI DEATH 연합뉴스19:12epa11355021 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi looks on as he attends an inauguration ceremony of the joint Iran-Azerbaijan-constructed Qiz-Qalasi dam on the Ar
IRAN PRESIDENT RAISI DEATH 연합뉴스19:12epa11355033 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi (R) and Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev (L) attend an inauguration ceremony of the joint Iran-Azerbaijan-cons
IRAN PRESIDENT RAISI DEATH 연합뉴스19:12epa11355022 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi attends an inauguration ceremony of the joint Iran-Azerbaijan-constructed Qiz-Qalasi dam on the Aras River, at th
IRAN PRESIDENT RAISI DEATH 연합뉴스19:12epa11355031 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi attends an inauguration ceremony of the joint Iran-Azerbaijan-constructed Qiz-Qalasi dam on the Aras River, at th
대통령실 “R&D 예타, 추격할 때나 유효..도약 위해 폐지” 파이낸셜뉴스19:12윤석열 대통령이 17일 정부세종청사에서 열린 2024 국가재정전략회의에서 마무리 발언을 하고 있다. 사진=대통령실 [파이낸셜뉴스] 윤석열 대통령이 국가 R&D(연구개발)...
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IRAN PRESIDENT RAISI DEATH 연합뉴스19:12epa11355034 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi (L) and Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev (R) shake hands during an inauguration ceremony of the joint Iran-Aze
IRAN PRESIDENT RAISI DEATH 연합뉴스19:12epa11355041 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi (C) waves as he attends a meeting with Azerbaijan's President Aliyev during an inauguration ceremony of the joint
IRAN PRESIDENT RAISI DEATH 연합뉴스19:12epa11355040 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi attends a meeting with Azerbaijan's President Aliyev during an inauguration ceremony of the joint Iran-Azerbaijan
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