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관련 서비스

    epa10236253 Israeli troops check the site where a shooting attack by Palestinian gunmen took place near the Israeli settlement of Shavei Shomron near the wes
  • 뉴욕증시, 경기 침체 우려 속에 하락 출발
    뉴욕증시, 경기 침체 우려 속에 하락 출발 연합뉴스 · 23:35
    (뉴욕=연합뉴스) 윤영숙 연합인포맥스 특파원 = 뉴욕증시는 연방준비제도(연준·Fed)의 고강도 긴축으로 내년 경기 침체가 닥칠 것이라는 우려 속에 하락했다. 11일(미 ...
    MOLDOVA PROTEST 연합뉴스 · 23:35
    epa10236236 Supporters of the Shor political party attend a protest in front of the Presidency building in Chisinau, Moldova, 11 October 2022. Protesters con
    MOLDOVA PROTEST 연합뉴스 · 23:34
    epa10236234 Supporters of the Shor political party attend a protest in front of the Presidency building in Chisinau, Moldova, 11 October 2022. Protesters con
  • School Shooting-Florida
    School Shooting-Florida 연합뉴스 · 23:34
    Lori Alhadeff leaves the courtroom as Assistant State Attorney Mike Satz details the killings in his closing arguments in the penalty phase of the trial of M
    MOLDOVA PROTEST 연합뉴스 · 23:34
    epa10236231 Supporters of the Shor political party attend a protest in front of the Presidency building in Chisinau, Moldova, 11 October 2022. Protesters con
  • School Shooting-Florida
    School Shooting-Florida 연합뉴스 · 23:34
    Assistant State Attorney Mike Satz gestures as if he is holding a rifle while giving his closing argument in the penalty phase of the trial of Marjory Stonem
    MOLDOVA PROTEST 연합뉴스 · 23:34
    epa10236232 Supporters of the Shor political party attend a protest in front of the Presidency building in Chisinau, Moldova, 11 October 2022. Protesters con
  • Hostages Beheadings Memorial
    Hostages Beheadings Memorial 연합뉴스 · 23:34
    A stone memorial for slain journalist James Foley stands near flowers, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2022, outside St. Katharine Drexel Church, in Alton, N.H. Foley, a fre
  • School Shooting-Florida
    School Shooting-Florida 연합뉴스 · 23:34
    Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter Nikolas Cruz is escorted into the courtroom for closing arguments in the penalty phase of Cruz's trial at the Br
  • 남양주시 불법주정차 단속강화..CCTV 통합운영
    남양주시 불법주정차 단속강화..CCTV 통합운영 파이낸셜뉴스 · 23:34
    【파이낸셜뉴스 남양주=강근주 기자】 남양주시는 10월부터 불법 주정차 단속용 CCTV를 효율적으로 관리하기 위해 ‘불법 주정차 단속 CCTV 통합운영 시스템’을 운영하...
  • 美 NSC "바이든, 사우디와 관계 재검토"..강경 입장 경고
    美 NSC "바이든, 사우디와 관계 재검토"..강경 입장 경고 뉴시스 · 23:34
    [서울=뉴시스] 유자비 기자 = 조 바이든 대통령이 '석유수출국기구(OPEC)+'의 대규모 감산을 주도한 사우디아라비아와의 관계 재검토를 위해 의회와 공조하는 것을 검토...
  • School Shooting-Florida
    School Shooting-Florida 연합뉴스 · 23:34
    Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter Nikolas Cruz stands as the jurors enter the courtroom for closing arguments in the penalty phase of Cruz's trial
  • Child Care Center-Carbon Monoxide
    Child Care Center-Carbon Monoxide 연합뉴스 · 23:33
    Children's backpacks can be seen from the entrance way of Happy Smiles Learning Center in Allentown, Pa., after a carbon monoxide leak was reported, Tuesday,
  • School Shooting-Florida
    School Shooting-Florida 연합뉴스 · 23:33
    Lori Alhadeff leaves the courtroom as Assistant State Attorney Mike Satz details the killings in his closing arguments in the penalty phase of the trial of M
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