AUSTRALIA TENNIS AUSTRALIAN OPEN GRAND SLAM 연합뉴스14:06epa09696342 Maddison Inglis of Australia reacts after beating Hailey Baptiste of the USA in their second round match of the Australian Open Tennis Tournament
AUSTRALIA TENNIS AUSTRALIAN OPEN GRAND SLAM 연합뉴스14:05epa09696336 Samantha Stosur of Australia gestures to the crowd as she retires from singles tennis following her second round women?s singles match against An
AUSTRALIA TENNIS AUSTRALIAN OPEN GRAND SLAM 연합뉴스14:05epa09696337 Samantha Stosur of Australia receives flowers as she retires from singles tennis following her second round women?s singles match against Anastas
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AUSTRALIA TENNIS AUSTRALIAN OPEN GRAND SLAM 연합뉴스13:59epa09696335 Samantha Stosur of Australia gestures to the crowd as she retires from singles tennis following her second round women?s singles match against An
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AUSTRALIA TENNIS AUSTRALIAN OPEN GRAND SLAM 연합뉴스13:56epa09696322 Samantha Stosur of Australia (L) is embraced by her coach Rennae Stubbs as she retires from singles tennis following her second round women?s sin
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AUSTRALIA TENNIS AUSTRALIAN OPEN GRAND SLAM 연합뉴스13:20epa09696317 Samantha Stosur of Australia (L) is embraced by her coach Rennae Stubbs as she retires from singles tennis following her second round women?s sin
AUSTRALIA TENNIS AUSTRALIAN OPEN GRAND SLAM 연합뉴스13:20epa09696318 Samantha Stosur of Australia (L) is embraced by Tennis Australia CEO Craig Tilley as she retires from singles tennis following her second round w
AUSTRALIA TENNIS AUSTRALIAN OPEN GRAND SLAM 연합뉴스13:20epa09696316 Samantha Stosur of Australia (L) is embraced by her coach Rennae Stubbs as she retires from singles tennis following her second round women?s sin