미 항공청 北 미사일 발사에 15분간 미 서부 비행기 '이륙 금지' 조선일보02:44북한이 올해 두 번째 미사일 발사를 한 당일, 같은 시각 미국 연방항공청(FAA)이 자국 서부 공항에서 긴급 ‘이륙 금지 조치’를 취했다고 미 NBC 방송 등이 11일(현지 ...
epaselect GERMANY ECONOMY PROTEST 연합뉴스02:03epaselect epa09678882 Activists of KoalaKollektiv during a protest in front of the Euro sign in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 11 January 2022. The KoalaKollekt
epaselect GERMANY ECONOMY PROTEST 연합뉴스02:02epaselect epa09678905 Activists of KoalaKollektiv during a protest in front of the Euro sign in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 11 January 2022. The KoalaKollekt
美, 北탄도미사일 발사 때 서부에 5~7분간 '이륙 금지' 발령 뉴스101:49(워싱턴=뉴스1) 김현 특파원 = 미 북미우주항공사령부(NORAD)가 북한의 탄도미사일 발사 당시 미 서부 지역을 비행 중인 일부 조종사와 서부 지역 공항들에 대한 이례적...
GERMANY TRANSPORT FUEL PRICE 연합뉴스01:42epa09679021 A sign showing diesel and autogas prices at a gas station in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 11 January 2022. Due to much higher acquisition costs on
GERMANY TRANSPORT FUEL PRICE 연합뉴스01:42epa09679024 A sign showing car gas prices at a gas station in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 11 January 2022. Due to much higher acquisition costs on internatio
USA NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE 연합뉴스00:54epa09678901 Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York, New York, USA, 11 January 2022. Investors are reportedly reacting to ongoin
USA NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE 연합뉴스00:54epa09678900 Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York, New York, USA, 11 January 2022. Investors are reportedly reacting to ongoin
GERMANY ECONOMY PROTEST 연합뉴스00:54epa09678905 Activists of KoalaKollektiv during a protest in front of the Euro sign in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 11 January 2022. The KoalaKollektiv protest
USA NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE 연합뉴스00:54epa09678898 Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York, New York, USA, 11 January 2022. Investors are reportedly reacting to ongoin
GERMANY ECONOMY PROTEST 연합뉴스00:54epa09678904 Activists of KoalaKollektiv during a protest in front of the Euro sign in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 11 January 2022. The KoalaKollektiv protest
美 일일 코로나 입원환자수 14.6만명..역대 최고치 경신 뉴스100:54(워싱턴=뉴스1) 김현 특파원 = 오미크론 변이로 인해 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 감염이 폭증하고 있는 가운데, 미국의 일일 입원자수도 최고치를 경신한 것...
USA NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE 연합뉴스00:54epa09678899 Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York, New York, USA, 11 January 2022. Investors are reportedly reacting to ongoin
GERMANY ECONOMY PROTEST 연합뉴스00:54epa09678903 Activists of KoalaKollektiv during a protest in front of the Euro sign in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 11 January 2022. The KoalaKollektiv protest
GERMANY ECONOMY PROTEST 연합뉴스00:54epa09678902 Activists of KoalaKollektiv during a protest in front of the Euro sign in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 11 January 2022. The KoalaKollektiv protest