"왜 유대인이 아프간인 탈출 돕나" 물었더니, 그의 한마디 중앙일보05:00미국 뉴욕에 거주하는 유대인 랍비(유대교 율법교사)가 이슬람 무장조직 탈레반이 장악한 아프가니스탄에서 탈출을 시도하는 아프간인들을 구조하는 데 앞장서고 있다. ...
미 국무부 문건에 등장한 '오징어 게임' "한국 경제적 좌절감 반영" 조선일보03:36넷플릭스 드라마 ‘오징어 게임’이 미국 국무부의 외교 전문(cable)에 소재로 등장했다고 미 외교전문지 포린폴리시(FP)가 15일(현지시각) 보도했다. 전문은 이 드라마...
BOLIVIA BEES AGRICULTURE 연합뉴스03:33epa09527613 View of the center 'The queen of the lake' in San Pablo de Tiquina village, at the shore of Titicaca lake, Bolivia, 09 October 2021 (issued 16 Oc
BOLIVIA BEES AGRICULTURE 연합뉴스03:33epa09527607 View of the center 'The queen of the lake' in San Pablo de Tiquina village, at the shore of Titicaca lake, Bolivia, 09 October 2021 (issued 16 Oc
BOLIVIA BEES AGRICULTURE 연합뉴스03:33epa09527605 Bolivian Wilder Humerez prepares to collect honey at the center 'The queen of the lake' in San Pablo de Tiquina village, at the shore of Titicaca
BOLIVIA BEES AGRICULTURE 연합뉴스03:33epa09527612 View honey bottles to sell of the center 'The queen of the lake' in San Pablo de Tiquina village, at the shore of Titicaca lake, Bolivia, 09 Octo
BOLIVIA BEES AGRICULTURE 연합뉴스03:33epa09527610 View of bees at the center 'The queen of the lake' in San Pablo de Tiquina village, at the shore of Titicaca lake, Bolivia, 09 October 2021 (issu
BOLIVIA BEES AGRICULTURE 연합뉴스03:32epa09527611 View of bees at the center 'The queen of the lake' in San Pablo de Tiquina village, at the shore of Titicaca lake, Bolivia, 09 October 2021 (issu
BOLIVIA BEES AGRICULTURE 연합뉴스03:32epa09527606 Bolivian beekeeper Wilder Humerez collects honey at the center 'The queen of the lake' in San Pablo de Tiquina village, at the shore of Titicaca
BOLIVIA BEES AGRICULTURE 연합뉴스03:32epa09527608 Bolivian Wilder Humerez shows bottles of honey at the center 'The queen of the lake' in San Pablo de Tiquina village, at the shore of Titicaca la
美서 사람 잡아먹는 '괴물 물고기' 등장..관상용으로 기르기도 아시아경제01:53[아시아경제 황수미 기자] '살아있는 화석'으로도 불리는 '앨리게이터 가아'가 미국 네오쇼강에서 발견돼 현지 생태계를 파괴할 수 있다는 우려가 나오고 있다. 최근 CN...
SOUTH AFRICA TOURISM 연합뉴스01:35epa09527444 A bridal party leaves the Camps Bay beach after their wedding, in Cape Town, South Africa, 16 October 2021. The beach is one of the most popular
SOUTH AFRICA TOURISM 연합뉴스01:32epa09527438 A tourists walk on Camps Bay beach underneath a newly erected artwork, in Cape Town, South Africa, 16 October 2021. The beach is one of the most
SOUTH AFRICA TOURISM 연합뉴스01:32epa09527439 A bride and groom have their photograph taken on the Camps Bay beach after their wedding, in Cape Town, South Africa, 16 October 2021. The beach
SOUTH AFRICA TOURISM 연합뉴스01:31epa09527440 Tourists walk on Camps Bay beach, in Cape Town, South Africa, 16 October 2021. The beach is one of the most popular beaches in the city, which is