그늘 차지하려 싸움까지.. 美 국경 다리 밑에 몰린 이민자들 조선일보21:13바이든 행정부에 비상이 걸렸다. 수천 명의 아이티 이민자들이 몰려들면서 미국 남부와 멕시코 국경 지대에 임시 난민촌을 형성했기 때문이다. 일부 외신은 이를 두고 ...
푸틴, 中 동계올림픽 참석 선언.. 주요국 정상 중 처음 서울경제19:55[서울경제] 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령이 주요국 정상 가운데 처음으로 내년 2월 중국 베이징 동계 올림픽에 참가하겠다고 선언했다. 블룸버그 통신은 러시아 관영 ...
FRANCE SNCF FAST TRAINS 연합뉴스19:37epa09472976 Train employees pose by a life-size replica of the next high-speed train TGV at the Gare de Lyon station in Paris, France, 17 September 2021. SNC
FRANCE SNCF FAST TRAINS 연합뉴스19:37epa09472978 A life-size replica of the next high-speed train TGV is pictured at the Gare de Lyon station in Paris, France, 17 September 2021. SNCF unveiled t
FRANCE SNCF FAST TRAINS 연합뉴스19:37epa09472977 A life-size replica of the next high-speed train TGV is pictured at the Gare de Lyon station in Paris, France, 17 September 2021. SNCF unveiled t
FRANCE SNCF FAST TRAINS 연합뉴스19:21epa09472967 French President Emmanuel Macron, center, and other executives pose in front of a life-size replica of the next high-speed train TGV, at the Gare
FRANCE SNCF FAST TRAINS 연합뉴스19:11epa09472963 French President Emmanuel Macron speaks in front of a life-size replica of the next high-speed train TGV, at the Gare de Lyon station in Paris, F
FRANCE SNCF FAST TRAINS 연합뉴스19:11epa09472960 French President Emmanuel Macron speaks in front of a life-size replica of the next high-speed train TGV, at the Gare de Lyon station in Paris, F
FRANCE SNCF FAST TRAINS 연합뉴스19:11epa09472962 French President Emmanuel Macron speaks in front of a life-size replica of the next high-speed train TGV, at the Gare de Lyon station in Paris, F
FRANCE SNCF FAST TRAINS 연합뉴스19:10epa09472964 French President Emmanuel Macron speaks in front of a life-size replica of the next high-speed train TGV, at the Gare de Lyon station in Paris, F
FRANCE SNCF FAST TRAINS 연합뉴스19:10epa09472961 French President Emmanuel Macron speaks in front of a life-size replica of the next high-speed train TGV, at the Gare de Lyon station in Paris, F
FRANCE SNCF FAST TRAINS 연합뉴스18:44epa09472946 French President Emmanuel Macron (top L) and French railway operator SNCF CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou (top, 2-L), pose next the first TGV train at t
INDONESIA ECONOMY PANDEMIC COVID 19 CORONAVIRUS 연합뉴스18:25epa09472923 Shop keepers wait for customers at Tanah Abang market amid the ease of COVID-19 restrictions in Jakarta, Indonesia, 17 September 2021. EPA/MAST ...
INDONESIA ECONOMY PANDEMIC COVID 19 CORONAVIRUS 연합뉴스18:24epa09472922 Shop keepers wait for customers at Tanah Abang market amid the ease of COVID-19 restrictions in Jakarta, Indonesia, 17 September 2021. EPA/MAST ...
INDONESIA ECONOMY PANDEMIC COVID 19 CORONAVIRUS 연합뉴스18:24epa09472920 A shop keeper waits for customers at Tanah Abang market amid the ease of COVID-19 restrictions in Jakarta, Indonesia, 17 September 2021. EPA/MAS...