POLAND ANIMALS 연합뉴스23:12epa09505647 The keeper of the animals of the Lodz ZOO, Marta Koszmider, during the medical training with lemurs in the municipal zoo in Lodz, Poland, 04 Octo
POLAND ANIMALS 연합뉴스23:12epa09505646 Medical training with lemurs at the municipal zoo in Lodz, Poland 04 October 2021. Today is the International Pet Keeper Day. EPA/GRZEGORZ MICHA...
POLAND ANIMALS 연합뉴스23:12epa09505644 The keeper of the animals of the Lodz ZOO, Marta Koszmider, during the medical training with lemurs in the municipal zoo in Lodz, Poland, 04 Octo
POLAND ANIMALS 연합뉴스23:12epa09505642 The keeper of the animals of the Lodz ZOO, Marta Koszmider, during the medical training with lemurs in the municipal zoo in Lodz, Poland, 04 Octo
POLAND ANIMALS 연합뉴스23:11epa09505640 The keepers of the animals of the Lodz ZOO Lukasz Najder (L) and Marta Koszmider (R), during the medical training with lemurs in the municipal zo
POLAND ANIMALS 연합뉴스23:11epa09505637 The keeper of the animals of the Lodz ZOO Lukasz Najder during the medical training with lemurs in the municipal zoo in Lodz, Poland, 04 October
POLAND ANIMALS 연합뉴스23:11epa09505645 The keepers of the animals of the Lodz ZOO Lukasz Najder (L) and Marta Koszmider (R), during the medical training with lemurs in the municipal zo
POLAND ANIMALS 연합뉴스23:11epa09505639 The keeper of the animals of the Lodz ZOO, Marta Koszmider, during the medical training with lemurs in the municipal zoo in Lodz, Poland, 04 Octo
POLAND ANIMALS 연합뉴스23:10epa09505643 The keeper of the animals of the Lodz ZOO, Marta Koszmider, during the medical training with lemurs in the municipal zoo in Lodz, Poland, 04 Octo
POLAND ANIMALS 연합뉴스23:10epa09505641 The keeper of the animals of the Lodz ZOO, Marta Koszmider, during the medical training with lemurs in the municipal zoo in Lodz, Poland, 04 Octo
POLAND ANIMALS 연합뉴스23:10epa09505638 The keeper of the animals of the Lodz ZOO, Marta Koszmider, during the medical training with lemurs in the municipal zoo in Lodz, Poland, 04 Octo
epaselect BRITAIN POLITICS CONSERVATIVE CONFERENCE 연합뉴스23:02epaselect epa09505091 A protester wears a pig mask demonstrating against the lack of skilled labour workers in the pork industry outside the Conservative Par
“獨 통일은 아직 완성되지 않았다”… 떠나는 메르켈의 우려 조선일보22:18앙겔라 메르켈 독일 총리가 통일 31주년을 맞아 동·서독 간의 갈등을 줄이려면 독일 국민들의 노력이 더 필요하다는 취지의 연설을 했다. 독일에서는 여전히 옛 서독 ...
이란, 동결 자산 풀어주면 11월 초 핵회담 복귀 (상보) 뉴스121:17(서울=뉴스1) 원태성 기자 = 이란이 100억달러(약 11조8700억원) 규모의 동결된 자산을 풀어줄 것을 미국에 촉구하면서 11월 초 핵 협상(JCPOA)에 복귀하겠다고 밝혔다....
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